Upcoming Events

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Brewing Workshop - Marzen

Beer wouldn’t be beer without malted barley. It contributes to the colour, aroma and flavour of our favourite beverage while also providing all of the fermentables that yeast use to turn wort into beer. We’re holding a special session of our learn to brew all-grain class to take a closer look at malt and the mashing process. What better way to learn about mashing than to brew a Märzen, the original beer of Oktoberfest, using the traditional triple-decoction mashing process!
Coffee pouring from a french press

Coffee Brewing Technology course - May 6-7

UNLOCK COFFEE MASTERY Discover the secrets (and science) of exceptional coffee! This two-day comprehensive course will give you the confidence to brew coffee using techniques from traditional to trendy. By the end of the course, you will have the knowledge and skills to refine your brewing methodology and extract the optimal taste from any bean,...

Food Science Graduate Research Day - May 8, 2025

  This inaugural Food Science Graduate Research Day will provide the opportunity to Food Science graduate students to highlight their academic achievements and communicate their cutting-edge research to fellow academics and the Canadian Food Sector. MSc and PhD Food Science graduate students will present their research in the areas of Food Safety/...
Gloved hand holding a test tube

Rapid Microbiology: A Workshop for the Food Industry

Developed with support from Neogen, one of the foremost providers of rapid methods for the food, beverage and agriculture industries, this highly interactive hands-on workshop combines concepts with real-world applications. Participants will learn best practices in food microbiology testing including sample preparation and investigatory methods. In addition, you will have the opportunity to network and share best practices with other food safety professionals. This workshop provides an opportunity to review current best...

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